FRCC Ministry Center

We are very excited to have the opportunity as a church to purchase a building to be used as a ministry center in the town of Castle Rock. This new ministry center will allow us to have our youth ministry, offices, NEXT meetings, community groups, leader meetings, and much more under one roof. It will also give us a central location in Castle Rock to participate in many different town events and even be a greater blessing to our city. It will allow us to continue to live out our mission statement of, “Helping people become intentional neighbors through knowing and following Jesus,” as we seek to do that not only on Sunday mornings, but every other day of the week as well. In order to help us become a church that better meets the needs of our youth and our town, we need your help. We need all of us, as a church, to unite together in this journey and become a part of the story God is writing in our town through Front Range. Please pray about the involvement, big or small in your mind, that God wants you to have. We believe that whatever step of faith each of us takes is a step that will not only move us in our faith journey, but will allow our church to make a greater difference in our city. Let’s bless our city together!


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